Botox San Diego

From BOTOX Cosmetic to Bellafill, We’ve Got You Covered
What is BOTOX® Cosmetic?
BOTOX® is the trade name of Botulinum toxin Type A, a purified toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. In large amounts, this toxin blocks the nerve impulses to muscles, causing a form of paralysis called botulism.
Frown lines bothering you? See How You Can Eliminate Them!
When we frown we gather the tissue between our eyebrows into a fold. In some of us, this causes a chronic furrow which produces a frustrated, discouraged or angry look on our face which can make some feel very self-conscious.
Now you can eliminate these frown lines without surgery and without scars by a simple treatment with BOTOX®
By using extremely small doses of BOTOX®, injected directly into a specific muscle, only the action of that muscle will be paralyzed. Therefore, the problem that muscle causes, like a twitch, spasm or frown line, will be stopped.
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Where do you put the BOTOX®?
The frown line between the eyebrows is caused by the action of a muscle called the corrugator. You can feel this as a thickening just below the inside of your eyebrows, when you purposefully make yourself frown.
Injecting BOTOX® cosmetic directly into this corrugator muscle stops your ability to draw your eyebrows together when you frown. Once the muscle is paralyzed, it cannot contract, and the frown line gradually fades away.
How long do BOTOX® Cosmetic injection results last?
The actual treatment takes only a few minutes and the BOTOX® takes effect in three to four days. Gradually over three to five months the Botox will fade and the muscle action will return. When the frown line starts to reappear, a simple repeat treatment is all that is necessary to maintain the desired result.
Can BOTOX® be used for other wrinkles?
BOTOX® is also effective in the treatment of crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, and neck folds.
Who can perform the BOTOX® treatments?
This therapy should be done only by a physician trained in the use of BOTOX® Cosmetic.
How has BOTOX® been tested?
BOTOX® has been used since 1980 for the treatment of strabismus (lazy eye), and blepharospasm (uncontrolled eye blinking). The use of BOTOX® for forehead wrinkles was pioneered in 1989 by Dr. Carruthers of Vancouver. A major study of this technique was completed in 1995, and a review published in The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.
What are the potential side effects of BOTOX®?
The side effects of BOTOX® are related to the local injection of the solution. There will be a slight discomfort from the needle entering the skin, and a small chance of a bruise at the site of the injection. There are no reports of damage to the eye, with injections to the eyelid. There have been no permanent side effects from the use of BOTOX®. Approximately 1% of patients will develop a slight lowering or ptosis of one eyelid. This is temporary in nature.